A Unicorn?!

Hello my friends. It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything here on the blog. If you are here and reading this you, more than likely, know all that has come before in my blog posts. But to recap:  “Previously, on the DANIELEY DIGEST…”…

“Hello My Dear Friends.”

“Good morning my dear friends.” Starts Alfie Byrne, a Dublin Transit System bus conductor in 1964, or so the story goes in the musical A Man of No Importance. It is the way he greets the passengers on the daily bus route who also are amateur…

And The World Goes Round (and round and round)!

It’s been a little while since I last posted a blog. To be honest, I have been a little unsure of what to write about. I have been writing so much about, my wife, Marin’s journey with ovarian cancer this last year that anything else…

Very Superstitious – or – A Hard Habit To Break

We, in the theatre, have a LOT of superstitions. They have played a significant part in the history of theatre and those who are mindful of history try to be mindful of these taboos and avoid them lest there be repercussions with a high price to pay. Like…

Caregiver, Caregiver, give care to yourself!

It’s been a little while since I’ve written a blog and it’s about damn time to write again. Honestly, it’s been difficult to write. The Danieley Digest blog began as a way for me to talk about, analyze, dissect, muse upon etc… my chosen vocation…

My blog – her words

My beautiful and talented wife Marin Mazzie appeared on Seth Rudetsky‘s radio show last week to promote her New Year’s Eve show at 54Below 7pm. I’ll let her tell you, in her own words, how she’s doing. Happy New Year!   Jason   Singing for…

Where to, from here?

2015 will definitely be a year that will never be forgotten.  It has been a milestone and a turning point in the lives of my family.  This has been the most challenging year of my and Marin’s life.  Would we have had it differently?  Of…

A-Mazzie-ing Update!

When last we left our heroine she was relaxing and reflecting under a canopy of unchanged leaves in the Berkshire foothills. Many weeks have passed since then and we wanted to bring you up to date on her progress.  I say right up front that…

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar!

Hello there, It’s been a little while since my last update here on the Danieley Digest.  I’ve missed you all terribly.  We’ve gone through a whole summer and a lot has happened.  I’d like to take this time to let you know exactly what has happened….